
Cloth Napkins!

So I've decided that Nick and I will use cloth napkins at our house. A tiny way to go green and, more importantly, a wonderful excuse to show off my favorite fabrics with minimal work. Jill, since you're one of the only ones with the link to this site - this is the best discovery! I'll show you one time and it will be the perfect thing for you to practice your sewing technique (all by yourself!).


Cupcake Apron

This cupcake apron was made for a friend of mine who was going to be leaving the country for a year. She loves baking and I knew this would be something to help remind her of home. My Mom and I worked out the pattern from some apron pictures I had found online. We had just enough fabric left over to make a mini version for my niece! P.S. Thank you Nick, for your wonderful modeling skills!

Amy Butler Apron

Apron made from a pattern in Amy Butler's In Stitches (fabric is Amy Butler too). I was a little disappointed that things didn't turn out the way the picture showed, but it still turned out nicely.


Binto Box

Binto Box in progress. My aunts & cousin gave me this pattern with my brand-new sewing machine as a wedding gift (a year before the wedding). It's pieced together and has a border now, just waiting to be quilted...

First Quilt

This was my first quilt; I frantically made it during my last week before I left to go back to school for my thesis year...I spent the whole year itching to get back to a sewing machine!

Audrey's 5th Birthday

This elephant was made using a pattern from Joelle Hoverson's Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts (next is the Color-Wheel Quilt!), the dress is self-patterned with much help from Mom! Let's hope she likes them since neither meet the birthday party criteria of being 100% pink!


Anthony's Blanket and Hat

This blanket was a couple firsts for me: first time following a knitting pattern and first time knitting in the round on double-pointed needles. The yarn is an extremely soft blue and green knit together...I threw away the labels before I wrote down what it was and I regret that already!